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Movember is on our Lips

November 10, 2022

MOVEMBER is just around the corner raising awareness for Men’s Health and prostate cancer in particular.  Pumpkin seeds are packed with nutrition and are suggested to support prostate health.  

Foremost they are rich in zinc and normal prostate function relies on optimal zinc levels.  One cup of pumpkin seeds provides almost half the recommended daily allowance.  Pumpkin seeds contain phytosterol, which is a protective compound that may be responsible for reducing prostate enlargement.  Pumpkin seed oil may help prevent the multiplication of overstimulated prostate cells, levelling hormones.

Our dark green styrian pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed powder contain an even richer store of beneficial phyto-nutrients and antioxidants than their lighter coloured relatives.  High in naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, gluten, allergen and cholesterol free.

While styrian pumpkin seeds are super tasty to eat on their own (raw or roasted), why not start your day with a warm bowl of steel cut oats, your favourite fruit and mix in a handful of the RanchoV Antioxidant mix, or the RanchoV Breakfast mix both of which contain… you got it… styrian PUMPKIN SEEDS.  These two pair well with yoghurt and berries as well, and are packed with nutrients.  

Another easy way to receive the benefit of these seeds is through our pumpkin seed powder.  Our organic raw pumpkin seed protein powder contains an incredible 65% vegetable protein and is considered the locomotive among protein powders.  Due to the gentle, natural production, without extraction processes, all the important nutrients of the pumpkin seeds and their incredibly delicious taste are of course preserved.  With no added ingredients, this powder blends well into muffin, cookie, or snack bar mixes.  It’s the perfect addition when wanting some added protein to any smoothie.

2 comments for Movember is on our Lips

    • Hi Shari, I’m sorry I missed your question until now. The pumpkin seed powder is something we sell, it wouldn’t be feasible to make at home without special equipment. As far as using it in recipes, you can replace a portion of flour in many baking recipes such as for muffins, you can add it to smoothies, or even some savoury dishes. It has a very mild flavour compared to most plant based proteins, so it can be incorporated into many things unnoticed.

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