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Rich chocolate and sweet dates, with crunchy and creamy pecans create an amazingly satisfying treat, with flavours and textures that balance each other out beautifully!


Medjool or Barhi Dates

  • One medjool will make four clusters, one barhi will make two

Pecan halves, raw or toasted

  • One jumbo pecan half, or two baby pecan halves per piece of cut date

Dark chocolate chips or wafers

  • About 1 cup will coat 20 clusters
  • Any excess chocolate pour onto parchment paper and top with chopped nuts, fruit, seeds etc to create your own custom chocolate bark.

Coconut Oil



Start by lining a baking tray with parchment paper.

Cut each medjool date in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Then cut each half in half again diagonally, so one medjool date is now in four even-ish quarters. If using the smaller barhi dates just cut the date in half and remove the pit.

Take a jumbo pecan or two baby pecans and press firmly flat side down into the pit side of the date piece. To help keep the pecans firmly attached to the date while dunking into the melted chocolate, and if you want to shape the cluster a bit, you can gently press the date up and around the pecan with your fingers.

Heat the chocolate in a double boiler until completely melted, stirring almost constantly. You want the melted chocolate to be on the thin side, it should smoothly and easily run off the spoon you’re stirring with when scooped up and drizzled back into the pot. So don’t hesitate to add a tablespoon or possibly two of coconut oil to the melting chocolate.

Using a toothpick stab one of the clusters and gently dip it into the melted chocolate, let the chocolate drip off the cluster for a few seconds. Then with a second toothpick push the now chocolate coated cluster onto the parchment paper. Repeat until all clusters are coated in chocolate. Optional but recommended, grind a small amount of salt over the clusters while the chocolate is still wet.

Allow the clusters to fully cool on the tray in a fridge or freezer. For optional storage they’re best kept in an airtight container in the freezer. Mostly due to the sugar and oils they wont freezer totally hard, and they can be eaten straight from the freezer. Though for shorter term shortage and if you’d like them a bit softer, you can also keep them in the fridge.